Welcome to Intrapreneurship!
Welcome Intrapreneurs! In the 1970’s, a husband and wife consulting team (we love those!) discover something quite unique ... 👇
A new emerging intersection of highly-entrepreneurial people working within established businesses. These resilient and resourceful trailblazers create something new within a company: they fix a process and build a solution, all without risking their own money. 💰
Gifford and Libba Pinchot write a breakthrough paper on the topic called “Intra-Corporate Entrepreneurship” … but that is a mouthful! So they coin the term “Intrapreneurship”. Brilliant! 👏
In the 80’s, they follow on with a book of the same title, and by the early the 90’s, The American Heritage Dictionary makes it official! And that brings us to you, our inspiring intrapreneurs.
We’re kicking off a series of posts here providing you with encouragement and insights for your intrapreneurship journey! We hope to make creative, uncommon connections to help inspire your best work.
We’ll do this together, and we’ll need your insights and encouragement too in order to learn as we go.
Please add comments, repost, and let us know what you find most helpful. We want this to be useful to you, sharing what we are learning from our trailblazing clients and from the rapidly evolving tech landscape.
We see tidal waves of change out there right now – and we get energized by your courage to go surf! Your vision, we’re in!
What Are Intrapreneurs? Investopia:
“An intrapreneur works inside a company to develop an innovative idea or project that will enhance the company's future.” “Intrapreneurs are typically highly motivated individuals who have specific skill sets—as well as leadership abilities and an innovative vision that others in the corporation can get behind.”
Intrapreneurship, explained by MIT Sloan
“Chances are there’s a handy example of intrapreneurship stuck to your desk: the Post-it note. Also likely on — or accessible — at your desk is Gmail, which grew out of Google’s ‘20% time,’ while the Facebook “like” button was built during one of the company’s hackathons.”
Inc. Magazine article dating back to 1985!
“Is there a way to tap the energy of the entrepreneur to fuel the growth of an established business? The answers, says Gifford Pinchot III, lie in ‘intrapreneurship,’ a new concept of management that he has spent the past six years developing. Intrapreneurship -- the word is Pinchot's trademarked shorthand for 'intracorporate entrepreneurship' -- offers a radically different vision of how to encourage freedom and creativity in a company.