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+1 (513) 344-7734
info @ kizasolutions . com
Our Story
Our founders Bill & Amanda moved to Rwanda in 2013 with their young family with the broad and ambitious goal of engaging with the developing world for good.
Amanda accepted a legal fellowship with International Justice Mission, and then launched the non-profit Pure & Faultless Rwanda (https://pureandfaultless.org/) to help support children in Rwanda who have survived sexual assault and who are now raising children of their own. She also co-authored the book, In Defense of the Fatherless about orphan care.
Bill leveraged his experience as a software engineer to help Rwanda Trading Company work more effectively and extend its positive impact with local coffee farmers. Inspired by the success of this initial engagement, Bill and Amanda began hiring and training local software developers in order to take on additional clients.
Now headquartered in the U.S. in Cincinnati, OH, Kiza Solutions continues to have an office of developers based in Rwanda while the team has expanded to include developers in other African countries as well.
Main Locations
Cincinnati, Ohio — Dubai, UAE — Kigali, Rwanda — Nairobi, Kenya — Cape Town, South Africa