A Chat with Dale Cook

Dale Cook sat down with Bill Bennett to reflect on his career and share some insights about intrapreneurship and innovation. Thank you Dale! 🎉

Attention new intrapreneurs! Dale encourages you consider these three questions when making your next career move:

✅ What do you enjoy doing?
✅ What type of business do you want to be in?
✅ Why?  What is your passion with that business?

Got some good answers to these questions? Yes? No? Not sure? ⁉️

That’s ok! Regardless of how you answer, Dale wants you to remember this 💡

“Don't settle for a job just because it's bringing in your income. Get a job that you like. That way you go to work and enjoy it, and before you know it it's time to go home.”

Check out the video for some more epic advice and career reflection from Dale Cook!

Some of the Epic Quotes from Dale:

On Innovation:

I've always pursued innovation. I like to be able to solve problems, help people with issues, make it easier for people to do their jobs, and eliminate unnecessary waste. 🗑️

On Collaboration:

You've got two ears and one mouth.  You should listen twice as much as you speak.👂👂

I do not just make the decisions in a vacuum. I go on the floor a lot and talk to people. They're the ones that must use it; they buy into it easier, if their voice is heard.

On Disappointment:

Just pick up your boots and go on to the next thing.  So, this didn't work?  We'll try something else. 👢

On Releasing:

I like to finish projects and get it out there and not delay. You can always come back and make a modification. You cannot come up with a perfect solution every time. You need to be able to roll with any issues and make modifications on the fly. I think that helps us get our changes released quicker.⚙️

On Pitching Ideas:

You really need to lay it out, and you need to lay it out sometimes in different media. Sometimes it's verbal. Sometimes it's written. Sometimes it's flow charts. Sometimes it's data collections. If we're taking 20 minutes to do this action today, but if we do it this way, it'd be down to only 10 minutes. 📊

Advice for New Intrapreneurs:

In today's world, the newer workforce is looking for satisfaction in a job. They don't seem to stay long if you don't have something to offer them that challenges them or fulfills what they perceive as work-life balance. ⚖️

I think they need to figure out what they enjoy. What do you enjoy? What type of business? What's your passion with the business?

Don't settle for a job just because it's bringing in your income. Your mental and physical state are both going to suffer for that. We have enough challenges with health as it is. So for mental stability, get a job you like. That way you go to work and enjoy it, and before you know it it's time to go home. That's awesome to me!


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